Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Change gon' come

As the title implies..very soon things are going to take a very dramatic turn for myself...I won't discuss them in depth just yet but soon enough!

I will however let you know how unbelievably excited/nervous I am.  I will be pursuing things that most people either only ever dream of or simply do not even contemplate.  I've been dreaming it and contemplating it for years and guess what.  I'm making it happen.


Such an awesome word yet so terrifying at the same time. I thrive on words such as this.  Here within just a few months I am going to be plunging headfirst into an unknown realm for myself, but an exciting one nonetheless.  As I've said time and time again, I really and truly do have big GIGANTIC plans for my life and aim to make them happen.

I haven't told too many people of my plans as of yet...for one, people think I'm pretty nuts and two, I've always enjoyed the element of surprise :)

I can't wait for the new experiences about to come thundering my way.  I can't wait to live my life to the fullest.

For all those who think they cannot pursue and accomplish your dreams, I have a little phrase for you that you'd be wise to heed to..

"Change your thinking.  Change your world."

Until next time,


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